Day 1.

Day 1.
Task for today - take up photography again

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Second Thoughts..

I am having a case of second thoughts. Maybe, just maybe attempting to learn a new role at work AND taking on this whole ‘ oh lets be healthy all year’ attitude is taking its toll.
Yes it is only day 5 but mix that in with a nasty case of PMS worsened by the fact that I have lived on nothing but evil white carbs, surgar and cocktails for the last month prior and BAM, its a shit load worse!!

So for this fact I didn’t write on this dear blog last night which nobody in the world has actually most likely read.. instead, I had a little cry, pulled myself together and walked to the supermarket to buy some healthy food and meat to prepare tomorrows lunch: Moroccan spiced chicken strips, with brown rice and veges. My partner who has also decided that he too will eat more healthy (did I mention he is a fussy eater so there goes half my food ideas..) so I have had to up the antics with my meal choices and actually learn to cook...

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! thanks for leaving a comment on my blog...hang in takes courage and strength to stay on the track that you have decided to travel..some days will definately be worse than others, however, dont look too far ahead. Make the first goal achievable, realistic, measurable and focus on the short term..let tomorrow worry about itself. Right behind you! Cheers and welcome to blogland..Trudx
