Day 1.

Day 1.
Task for today - take up photography again

Monday, January 4, 2010

The Real Day 1

Feeling guilty as I awoke this morning to a room littered with chocolate wrappers and (gasp) Hungry Jacks (the low of the low I know), I pledge that today will be and IS the real day 1 (as I am back at work today.. and as a Monday.. It makes sense to start my new healthy out look and healthy doings today right?

Welcome to my new 2000 and Zen - yes this year I will no longer undergo binges that would impress even the most obese (no offence intended - except maybe to be over indulging side - F**ck you!.

I will be a word that doesn't feature regularly in my life - consistency.. yep, spell check even got me there. I will CONSISTENTLY be kind, open, healthy, exercise and as much as possible, zen and stress free.

Hmm maybe the fact 5 international acts huge in the chart right are visiting on a promo tour will disrupt my 'zen' moments, exchanging them for kaos.. but we will get to that when it happens (see - my first positive though!).

Although I haven't get any exercise in yet (maybe a wee stretch before bed and we will call it even..) I DID however pass my usual cafe that serves coffee AND a compliment in exchange for a green tea, wholemeal oats laced with LSA (not LSD.. but linseed, sunflower seeds and almond meal - very high in essential fatty acids I hear) followed by tuna and a green salad for lunch, carrot sticks on the way home to prevent a knawed arm, and finally, for dinner a roast chicken (thanks Cole's) with a bit of spinach leaves, basil and capsicum - pure health here I come!!

And not a moment too soon - my holiday skin doesn't not resemble any of the promised after holiday glow promised by a good break (I check all my magazines for a sickly model to make myself feel a tad better but no any).

Oh well. So far so good! Not bad of a whole 24 hours!

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